Monday, July 12, 2010

True Blood

Okay... Seeing as the episode of True Blood last night literally turned my brain into mush - I figured I'd tell you all about this little gem of a series if you haven't already read all the amazing reviews about it.

Now let me be perfectly clear; I am NOT a twilight fan... and before True Blood started in 2008 I can honestly say I wasn't a Vampire fan - but of course that was because I didn't really understand how fantastic vampire lore could be, haha! A friend of mine told me about the pilot coming out in fall of '08 and recommended I check it out. After all, it's Sunday prime time HBO!! Does it get better than that? Trust me, go out and buy the first and second season right now. You won't regret it.

Oh yeah, the episode last night. Let's just say that everything the entire show has been about for the last 2.5 seasons is getting turned upside-down and inside-out. My jaw dropped, I felt like crying and puking at the same time on several occasions it was so intense! This show has really been amazing from the get-go. I was hooked as soon as I saw the first 15 minutes of the pilot! GREAT cast, great script, great idea[s]... it's just been executed so well that it's hard to remember that vampire infested Bon-Temps isn't real... Or is it? :/

True Blood is in it's third season and airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO.

PS This isn't really a family show... if you're offended by nudity, violence, blood, etc. then this show is probably not for you :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Okay boys and girls, gather round...

I've decided that I'm going to primarily start using my Flickr [lilaehammer] as my 'personal life' blog - and start using THIS blog to mainly give you the scope on the plethora of movies I have/watch/love/hate etc.! I feel that due to my embarrassing collection [way over 500 by now] I should share my two cents worth with whoever is in need of some movie-watching guidance!
So here's some general movie babble to get the ball rolling!

Sir Alfred Hitchcock is a freaking genius. All of his movies are without a doubt worth your time [every time - i've watched Rear Window about 27 times. time. let's say time one more time. :/], and will probably leave you feeling like you just jumped in a pool of chilled redbull after a long, exhausting summer's day!

Here are my top five AH picks:

1. Rear Window
2. North by Northwest
3. Psycho
4. Vertigo
5. Family Plot

Do yourself a huge favour and grab one of these on your way home from work tomorrow! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


So what can I say about Toronto?

Well first off, if you're looking for a comparison to Vancouver - forget it. These two cities are so completely different that they honestly might as well be in two different countries. Of course, being a 'west-coaster' my entire life tends to have left a biased taste in my mouth - but this is what I have gathered so far...

EVERYONE is hustling. All day. Everyone is busy, everyone is working, everyone is here living in the city for a reason, and if you're looking to make new friends between 8am-6 pm on a work day - you're dreaming. With that said, if it's after 8pm... you're ready to rock! There is literally always something going on, somewhere. It's easy to meet new people whether you're at a club, pub, restaurant, or even starbucks - chances are you'll meet someone new and interesting who is looking to have a good time just like you!

The food is wonderful. You can pretty much find any ethnic food in this city. Good sushi was a little hard to find to be honest - but alas! I found it, and it happens to not be far from my house. Score. There are tons of cool markets [i.e. Kensington Market] and there are very defined 'Chinatown' 'Greektown' 'Little Italy' and 'Little Portugal' areas downtown. If you're looking for not-so-little IRAN, that's up in Richmond Hill/North York. Feels like I'm back home when I venture up there, haha! Mmmmm, kabob.

Living expenses are one thing I guess you could compare to Vancouver. It's not that different [i.e. it's pretty expensive to live in the city]. Transit is good within Toronto itself - if you live even ten minutes out of town, it's a hassle.

This weekend in Toronto was ridiculous. The G20 Summit provoked all sorts of protestors to come out and wreak havoc. A particular anarchist group known as 'black bloc' was busy setting police cars on fire, smashing bank windows, shop windows [they needed to change, obviously], and pretty much aggressively vandalizing anything else they could get their hands on. Needless to say - I spent this weekend inside the humble abode of my apartment.

I think that's enough commenting for now!

Hope the rest of you had a fabulous weekend. :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010



Here we are. Falling through the tunnel, not knowing where it'll end!

To be honest, there are a lot of reasons why I'm starting this blog. Some of which are:

1) I like to write [aka I like to ramble on and on].
2) Now being in a completely new city and having a total of four friends [one is an obese cat named Owen] - I seem to have quite a bit of extra time on my hands, lol.
3) It helps me think. The amount of cortisol levels shooting through my body right now is probably not [or shouldn't be] legal.
4) Trying to update people from my old and new life on what's going on here in T-Dot!

I'm not sure if I'll end up contributing anything significant by doing this... but I suppose there's no harm it either :)

Welcome, welcome. Happy reading, folks!
I'll write an actual update soon...